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The structure of LIPO is as follow:
History of LIPO


The Liberia Intellectual Property Office is an embodiment of the erstwhile Liberia Industrial Property and the Liberia Copyright Offices. From a legislative enactment on June 14, 2016, a repeal of the 2003 Industrial Property Act and the 1997 Copyright Act was done and replaced with a new Title 24, called Intellectual Property Act.
The New Intellectual Property Act gave rise to the establishment of an Office known as the Liberia Intellectual Property Office (LIPO). LIPO is a semi-autonomous Agency of Government with a business module.


The Director General is the head of Central Administration and head of the Office. A Deputy Director General for Industrial Property is head of the department of Industrial Property and chief hearing Officer for the mitigation of Infringement cases at LIPO Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR), and principal advisor to the Director General on Industrial Property matters. A Deputy Director General for Copyright is head of the Copyright department and chief hearing officer for copyright violations at LIPO Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR) mechanism and the principal advisors to the Director General on Copyright matters. A functional Registry for protection of Intellectual Property materials is headed by a Registrar General with two principal deputies for Industrial Property and Copyright respectively.